Why Investing In Your Mental Health at an Early Age Matters
WHY is so much of who we are and how we function as adults based in childhood? Take a look at this graph from Harvard. It basically shows...

Raising a Child With a Disability or Neurodivergence? Welcome to Holland.
I adore the following analogy... it works for many populations, including the shining gems that are our neurodivergent children. A...

A Date With Inner Child: How Authenticity Therapy is Shaping My Life
After coming back from our training for Authenticity Therapy (AT) in Costa Rica this January, I got to learn first-hand how tending and...

We have ADHD. You're Welcome! How ADHD has shaped human evolution and saved our species.
So. You know that part of the brain that helps you think before you act? Us folks with ADHD have less of it. Now before you go jumping...

Please STOP Telling Successful Adults They "Can't Have ADHD."
In our office, we can spot ADHD very well. Not instantly, mind you (although if you walk in my door as an adult with rainbow hair and a...

Parents, Own What's Yours, Release What's Not
"You are weirdly calm. Like, FREAKISHLY calm," the pediatrician observed as I held a screaming baby. I remember at the time, I found it...

Trauma is everywhere.... EVERYWHERE. Complex trauma portrayed in everyday life
"She doesn't know what she's talking about. She thinks everyone has ADHD." This was recently said by a pediatrician and a school...

An Open Letter to the FTC Regarding the Shortage of ADHD Medication
I am a mental health therapist who also has a diagnosis of ADHD. In my practice of 10 other clinicians, we utilize the QB Check to...

An Intern's Perspective...
I entered practicum at such a nerve-wracking time with a pandemic going on that Art and Soul Art Therapy was the only place in...

To the Class of 2020
In about a month I graduate. This has been both the longest and the shortest three years of my life. I have learned so much about myself,...